Concert Cyber-Attendees
West Bank Stage, River Festival, Wichita, KS
People Of The Southwind (PotSW: Kansas Mailing List) members and
their guests
- Danl Blackwood (Co-Host); Wichita, KS
my guests were...
- Jake Livgren (part-time PotSWer, and Kerry Livgren's nephew); Manhattan, KS
- friend and co-worker Dave Lundblade
- Bryan Jennings (Co-Host), and his girlfriend Heidi Zimmerman, both from Wichita, KS
- Allen Wisbey, his wife Nancy, and son Bill; Hutchinson, KS
- Jonathan Carver and wife Cindy; Shreveport, LA
- Jon Hilton and wife Karla; Lees Summit, MO (Kansas City)
- Tony Barilla; Manhattan, KS
Tony told a ton of people about the concert...
- Grad students from Kansas State Univ. at Manhattan, KS - Ward Hooker, Bob Jackson, Paul Smith (I first met Paul at the Topeka concert last summer), and Beth Stone
- Mack Smith (former fellow musician and old friend of mine), his wife Suzette, daughter Liane, and son Willie. Also Mack's sister Diane Smith, and a family friend, Tracy Edwards; all from Topeka, KS.
- Darrell Braden, Wichita, KS and Brian Jordon, from Anthony, KS
- Jeff Odermann; McPherson, KS
- Gary Dean Ash (formerly; Kansas City, MO
Kansas CyberFans
(who found out about the concert from the Kansas Home Page or other means)
Concert Cyber-Attendees Group Shot

Top Center (on the stage): Bill Wisbey, Willie Smith, and Liane Smith
Standing: Unidentified uniformed Kansas fan, Jonathan Carver, Cindy Carver,
Tony Barilla, Allen Wisbey, Brad Duren, John d'Andriole, Jon Hilton
(Karla Hilton was taking this picture), Mack Smith (Mack's wife
Suzette was also taking a picture), Tracy Edwards, Bob Jackson,
and Ward Hooker.
Kneeling: Danl Blackwood, Nancy Wisbey, Jake Livgren, Kyle Sutherland,
and Mary Anne Owens
Go back to Kansas at the Wichita River Festival
Last modified: July 1, 1996